Sustrans Sheffield

Activities of the Sheffield Sustrans Ranger group.

Saturday, 15 September 2012

News from up the trail in Penistone

We have moved the regular workday from Sundays to Saturdays, because Sunday was proving to be a popular day for everything else! Consequently the next three workdays will be on:

Saturday 6th October, Saturday 3rd November, Saturday 1st December 


Having carried out a survey of the whole stretch of the Trail in April, we have decided to concentrate our efforts on the section between Shore Hall Lane and Hazlehead Bridge. This part of the Trail suffers a great deal from shade and overhanging branches, which prevents the surface from drying out and inhibits the wild flowers which might otherwise generate -not to mention making it very difficult for people riding horses! (Click here to see a map)

We’ve also revised our working practices: apart from tackling the most pressing areas first (which remains the same) we shall be working on small stretches of about 50 metres, rather than over a long stretch; returning to the same section on the following workday. In this way we can be more thorough and our work should be effective for far longer.

In order to try and get to grips with this stretch of the Trail, we’ll be putting on more midweek workdays.

The Saturday workdays will begin at the Hazlehead end: the midweek workdays will concentrate on the Shore Hall Lane/Bullhouse Bridge area.

Seating areas

We’re making the seating areas along the Trail a particular focus of our efforts. We think that if a seating area has been provided beside the trail, it should be attractive and offer a pleasant experience; particularly for children. Obviously that means no rubbish, but it also means being able to see the seat as you approach it, having a reasonable space around the seat; and if there’s a view, being able to see it and enjoy it. We’ve already done some work on a couple of seats, and will be doing more as we go.

If you have any questions or suggestions please see the website  
or contact me on 07704333445 /             01484 865852      .

Kate Dobson

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