Sustrans Sheffield

Activities of the Sheffield Sustrans Ranger group.

Access Barriers on the Network

We've been measuring the size of the Access Barriers on the TPT and NCN in Sheffield for several reasons:

  1. To provide information for users of mobility equipment and more unusual types of human pwered vehicles, so that people can work out whether they will be able to use the trail more easily.
  2. To encourage people to complain if they find they can't use the routes. 
  3. For the benefit of campaigners who would like to see these barriers removed or modified, as they discourage people from using the routes while failing to deter anti-social behavior
The information is also being passed to the Trans Pennine Trail office where they will maintain it on a central record. 

Requests for removal of barriers should go to Sheffield City Council - email The more requests they get the more likely they are to do it.

The locations we've done so far are on this map - this is a work in progress and more will be added as we get round to it.

March April - Map is as complete as we're going to get it. Click on the square icon at top right to view the map on full screen.

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