The CTC is holding its AGM in Sheffield this year -they just love the place and they can't keep away -
and there are a number of events around the meeting that are open to all. Here's the list:-
Tonight: 11th May
Friday Night Bounded Infinity Ride 7p.m. Hilton Hotel
Sheffield District CTC’s inaugural ‘Peaks and Troughs’ Audax, Millhouses Park Cafe, Sheffield, 9:00 am. Advanced bookings only for this ride.
a moderate ride to Hathersage, Hilton Hotel, Sheffield, 9:30 am
an easy cross country (MTB) ride, Millhouses Park Cafe, Sheffield, 9:30 am
a Five Weirs Walk Family Ride, Hilton Hotel, Sheffield, 9:45 am
a tour of Sheffield’s Cycle Infrastructure.Led by Simon Geller - Hilton Hotel, Sheffield, 10:00 am
More info on the weekend's events here
Read on for more about the Bounded Infinity Ride and the Facilities Ride:-
Weather: Should be dry and cool
Heads up: On roads, paths, gennels, some setts/cobbles and the usual potholes and gashes in Sheffield roads. The ride leader is getting over a cold, will have cycled from Birmingham to Leicester the previous day following the Cyclenation AGM, foolishly scheduled for the same day as the CTC one and who knows what sort of state he'll be in?
Refreshments: Probably The Forge Dam cafe, beloved of Jarvis Cocker and Richard Hawley. (I’ll take you past Richard Hawley’s house if you pay me extra)
No Need to Bring Lights and Locks (it’s daylight and the people are just dead honest round here) - however you may wish to lock up outside the Sheffield Tap when we get back there if you're having a drink before your train)
Route: From the Hilton Hotel the route just dips around the inner ring road before it heads back into the city centre, taking in a Facility of the Month before visiting the City Centre then onwards towards the West using the future route of NCN6 crossing over from the Porter to the Sheaf Valley onwards to Greenhill and Norton and then back towards the centre taking in facilities in Heeley before finally finishing at the Sheffield Tap.
Theme: A bike ride follows or makes a route. A council generally makes a mess of things, but sometimes gets it right.
The ride covers approx 15 miles within Sheffield’s outer ring road and uses roads, paths, gennels, snickets and tracklements. It’s all within the city boundary and the route does not travel in the same direction on the same route more than once.
Its mad and worth a go; be a part of cyclists travelling all over the city; as others out in the town move around we will keep appearing and re-appearing as we emerge from and disappear into paths, roads, snickets, gennels and tracklements
Simon - your CTC Right to Ride Rep
and there are a number of events around the meeting that are open to all. Here's the list:-
Tonight: 11th May
Friday Night Bounded Infinity Ride 7p.m. Hilton Hotel
Sheffield District CTC’s inaugural ‘Peaks and Troughs’ Audax, Millhouses Park Cafe, Sheffield, 9:00 am. Advanced bookings only for this ride.
a moderate ride to Hathersage, Hilton Hotel, Sheffield, 9:30 am
an easy cross country (MTB) ride, Millhouses Park Cafe, Sheffield, 9:30 am
a Five Weirs Walk Family Ride, Hilton Hotel, Sheffield, 9:45 am
a tour of Sheffield’s Cycle Infrastructure.Led by Simon Geller - Hilton Hotel, Sheffield, 10:00 am
More info on the weekend's events here
Read on for more about the Bounded Infinity Ride and the Facilities Ride:-
Zero days to go to
A Sheffield FridayNightRide for the CTC AGM
Friday 11 May 2012
Bounded Infinity
Start 7.00 pm NB - slightly later start time to allow delegates time to join
Meet Outside Hilton Hotel, Canal Basin, off Furnival Rd
Come and experience a CTC Traveller’s tale! resources/Magazine/201107082. pdf A 15 mile bike night ride within the Sheffield inner ring road to experience the mathematical phenomenon of an 'infinitely' long (non-repetitive) path within a finite boundary. All are welcome, join our CTC visitors to Sheffield
Weather: Should be dry and cool
Heads up: On roads, paths, gennels, some setts/cobbles and the usual potholes and gashes in Sheffield roads
Refreshments: Probably The Bath Hotel, Victoria Street
Bring Lights and Locks
Map: The route from the Hilton Hotel just dips outside the inner ring road before it heads back into the Castle area of town then onwards down towards the South and then back to the centre out to the west and then back towards the centre and then back to the north before finally finishing at the Kelham Island Tavern (CAMRA pub of the year several times) at see
Theme A bike ride follows or makes a route. A woman called Hayley got in contact with me about mapping all the gennels and snickets in Sheffield. She was inspired by a China Mieville story about streets that may or may not have been there at some time that appear and disappear and allow travellers in and (maybe) out of different spaces and times. It gave me the idea making up a route that follows an ‘infinitely long’ path within a fixed area, e.g. a bounded infinity. It’s all to do with fractals, scale invariance and so on see this page on the web about Koch’s Snowflake Koch_snowflake
If you look at the map its a bit like being a microscopic particle's path in Brownian motion - which again is a fractal, scale invariant path.
The ride covers approx 15 miles within Sheffield’s inner ring road and uses roads, paths, gennels, and snickets in the city centre.. Its nearly all within the inner ring road and the route does not travel in the same direction on the same route more than once although we do cross over previous paths etc. Its nearly all within the inner ring road and as far as I can see we don't travel in the same direction on the same route more than once although we do cross over previous paths etc.
Its mad and worth a go; be part of clumps/string(s) of cyclists crisscrossing all over the city as others out in the town move around we will keep appearing and re-appearing as we emerge from and disappear into paths, roads, snickets and gennels
Two days!!! to go to
A Sheffield Facilities Ride for the CTC AGM Sunday 13 May
A Sheffield Facilities Ride for the CTC AGM Sunday 13 May
Shackled by chains of delusion- illusion
Start 10.00 am Outside Hilton Hotel, Canal Basin, off Furnival Rd
Start 10.00 am Outside Hilton Hotel, Canal Basin, off Furnival Rd
NB - slightly late start time to allow delegates time to finish coffee, croissants in the Hilton (compared to a normal CTC ride which requires you to be in a remote location well before the
Saturday night hangover has worn off)
Come and experience a CTC tale of cycling and the city. A 15 mile bike ride within the Sheffield outer ring road to experience the phenomenon of an long set of cycle routes and paths. All are welcome, join our CTC visitors to Sheffield.
Nightriders often ask me, "How do you get to know all these routes?", and the answer is,
Come and experience a CTC tale of cycling and the city. A 15 mile bike ride within the Sheffield outer ring road to experience the phenomenon of an long set of cycle routes and paths. All are welcome, join our CTC visitors to Sheffield.
Nightriders often ask me, "How do you get to know all these routes?", and the answer is,
"Go on rides like this one, you'll learn surprising connections and diss parts of the city you didn't even know were there"
Weather: Should be dry and cool
Heads up: On roads, paths, gennels, some setts/cobbles and the usual potholes and gashes in Sheffield roads. The ride leader is getting over a cold, will have cycled from Birmingham to Leicester the previous day following the Cyclenation AGM, foolishly scheduled for the same day as the CTC one and who knows what sort of state he'll be in?
Refreshments: Probably The Forge Dam cafe, beloved of Jarvis Cocker and Richard Hawley. (I’ll take you past Richard Hawley’s house if you pay me extra)
No Need to Bring Lights and Locks (it’s daylight and the people are just dead honest round here) - however you may wish to lock up outside the Sheffield Tap when we get back there if you're having a drink before your train)
Route: From the Hilton Hotel the route just dips around the inner ring road before it heads back into the city centre, taking in a Facility of the Month before visiting the City Centre then onwards towards the West using the future route of NCN6 crossing over from the Porter to the Sheaf Valley onwards to Greenhill and Norton and then back towards the centre taking in facilities in Heeley before finally finishing at the Sheffield Tap.
Theme: A bike ride follows or makes a route. A council generally makes a mess of things, but sometimes gets it right.
The ride covers approx 15 miles within Sheffield’s outer ring road and uses roads, paths, gennels, snickets and tracklements. It’s all within the city boundary and the route does not travel in the same direction on the same route more than once.
Its mad and worth a go; be a part of cyclists travelling all over the city; as others out in the town move around we will keep appearing and re-appearing as we emerge from and disappear into paths, roads, snickets, gennels and tracklements
Simon - your CTC Right to Ride Rep
p.s. Sorry, PC glitch, an elision in the last message - should have said "discover" not "diss"(!) parts of the city you didn't even know were there, of course!

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