The Signs are up....
Sustrans Rangers are having a busy weekend this weekend, so I thought we'd better let as many people as possible know what's going on.
On Saturday the 4th, we have a clean-up at the Manor Way access point to the National Cycle Network. We'd like get local people out and get as many people on the case as possible, so if you live locally, why not come along? If you have access to local community groups please let them know about this. Meet at the green space at Manor Way, at 10a.m and we aim to be off-site by 2. If additional litter-picking equipment is needed please let me know as I can loan this from Parks and Woodlands.
There will be monthly clean-ups and rides on the NCN throughout the spring and summer on the first Saturday of the month and I have a mailing list for interested parties.
On Sunday 5th, we are anticipating that the Bridge lift for the Connect2 scheme will take place at 10 a,m. For a bike ride to the site meet at Rother Valley Country Park cafe at 09:30.
* There will actually be plenty of space for people on foot/ bikes viewing the river bridge lift from the Trans Pennine Trail just to the east of the site (ie. where the TPT crosses over Sheffield Road) --- as long as people keep off the road, the TPT provides tailor-made access and viewing platform.
* We can't say exactly when the river bridge is going to be lifted in. The target time is 10am, but there are a lot of variables with the time line for the overnight rail bridge lift and shifting the massive crane from rail side to river side. You know what these things are like, it could be on time, or delays for wind conditions etc..
Owners of folding bikes can catch the 0834 Tram from Cathedral/stops in between to Halfway, arriving Halfway at 0909 (de-tram at Waterthorpe for a traffic-free route to Rother Valley.) Otherwise it's a one-hour ride out on NCN6/67. There's plenty of c*r parking at Rother Valley of course.
The best that the weather people can tell us for the weekend so far is that it's likely to be cold so wrap up warm!

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