The Ranger Resources Doc!
This tells you all you need to know about being a ranger around Sheffield. I’ve just updated it with info
about what to do if you find an OfO bike, so have a read!
Lynwood Gardens
We had a great session at Lynwood Gardens and sorted it out in short order.

TPT Closure at Darnall
John and Lenny have been out to have a look at the Europa Link/High Hazels situation.
The TPT /NCN route 67 is blocked by road works associated with the development of the old Sheffield
Airport site by Sheffield University contractors. This work cuts the TPT at the south-east end of Europa
Link and the route from High Hazels Park.
Since March (at least) the route has been blocked by a flood next to the High Hazels golf course –
though this was passable by going round it via the golf course on foot. However, the road works have
rendered this blockage academic. Cycle route Diversion signs have been set up between the junction
of Europa Link and Britannia Way, and the southern end of the bridge over the A630 Sheffield Parkway
at Handsworth.
The diversion is (partially) signed along: Europa Link, Poplar Way, Highfield Spring, an unmarked track
to Waverley Cottages, Quarry Road, Finchwell Road, Handsworth Road (going North), pathway around
Asda alongside Sheffield Parkway then into Bowden Housesteads Woods and on to the south end
of the bridge.
Further signage is required, and Lenny is getting some ordered.
We don’t know how long this diversion will be needed for.
Nearly all of this diversionary route is signed already as a cycleway,
The well-surfaced track between Highfield Spring and Waverley Cottages is very pleasant.
The Poplar Way and Highfield Spring section wanders through new housing developments and the
hi-tech businesses of Maclaren, Boeing, etc.