Sustrans has published its review of the NCN and you can read about it here:-
Sustrans Sheffield
Activities of the Sheffield Sustrans Ranger group.
Monday, 12 November 2018
Saturday, 14 July 2018
Latest Newsletter
Our Latest Newsletter is here
Tuesday, 1 May 2018
Good Gym slays the Durham Ox again!
The Good Gym runners did a fantastic job on the cycle path behind the derelict Durham Ox pub again. Here are some pics from the session - 10 bags of rubbish collected.
Friday, 20 April 2018
Newsletter 20th April
The Ranger Resources Doc!
This tells you all you need to know about being a ranger around Sheffield. I’ve just updated it with info
about what to do if you find an OfO bike, so have a read!
Lynwood Gardens
We had a great session at Lynwood Gardens and sorted it out in short order.

TPT Closure at Darnall
John and Lenny have been out to have a look at the Europa Link/High Hazels situation.
The TPT /NCN route 67 is blocked by road works associated with the development of the old Sheffield
Airport site by Sheffield University contractors. This work cuts the TPT at the south-east end of Europa
Link and the route from High Hazels Park.
Since March (at least) the route has been blocked by a flood next to the High Hazels golf course –
though this was passable by going round it via the golf course on foot. However, the road works have
rendered this blockage academic. Cycle route Diversion signs have been set up between the junction
of Europa Link and Britannia Way, and the southern end of the bridge over the A630 Sheffield Parkway
at Handsworth.
The diversion is (partially) signed along: Europa Link, Poplar Way, Highfield Spring, an unmarked track
to Waverley Cottages, Quarry Road, Finchwell Road, Handsworth Road (going North), pathway around
Asda alongside Sheffield Parkway then into Bowden Housesteads Woods and on to the south end
of the bridge.
Further signage is required, and Lenny is getting some ordered.
We don’t know how long this diversion will be needed for.
Nearly all of this diversionary route is signed already as a cycleway,
The well-surfaced track between Highfield Spring and Waverley Cottages is very pleasant.
The Poplar Way and Highfield Spring section wanders through new housing developments and the
hi-tech businesses of Maclaren, Boeing, etc.
Monday, 26 March 2018
Sheffield Ranger News March 26th
Group Planning for 2018
Rupert & Abigail have responded to the 2018 Draft Plan which is here and I’m in the process of making some amendments on that basis.
News from up the Porter Valley
Kevin has fallen off a climbing wall and sprained his ankle so will be out of action for a while. We wish him well for a full recovery.
Opening of Matlock - Rowsley path
This path has been in development for some time. It will be part of the Matlock - Buxton route when that’s complete. There are signs of progress at the Buxton end - if anyone gets up there could they report back?
Claire O'Reilly has informed us of the formal Opening Day of the multi-user path between Matlock and Rowsley. This will be on Tuesday 27 March at 13:00, by the Arc railway crossing, with refreshments at Arc Leisure centre afterwards. Please feel free to pass this on.
TPT Meetings
I’ve been to the Friends Board meeting, which I chair, and the Exec meeting consisting mostly of Local Authority officers.
At the Board meeting we had Rob Meetham from the Peak Park along to talk about the Legacy Project (Disability Access improvements in Longdendale) After a slow start this project has now well under way and we hope to see a few more disabled people using the trail as a result.
We had the usual litany of threats to the Trail:
Rimrose Valley (Merseyside) The Port of Liverpool wants to drive an access road for HGV’s through this very pleasant country park which is also the link between the Trail and the Anthony Gormley “Another Space” Art installation at Formby.
Warrington. Development proposals here would splatter all over the Trail and surrounding countryside. There is a strong local opposition group and we are supporting them.
Tameside. A development strategy here with no mention of sustainable transport has taken everyone by surprise, including local authority officers.
Trans-Pennine Tunnel. This seems to have gone onto the back burner for now but there are proposals to revive the Longdendale and Mottram bypass and widen abd improve the A621 over Woodhead. These represent a threat and an opportunity - we could get a better quality trail through the area but at what cost - a motorway by stealth through the Peak District? Our colleagues at the Peak Park and the Friends of the Peak are not happy.
We’re objecting to all these.
HS2. The TPT Office had a meeting with them - it looks as though there will be a fund for environmental improvements that the TPT could draw on Still a fair way in the future though.
We’ve been doing some work on fundraising and have now gathered together all the improvement work that needs to be done on the Trail in a single document for the first time. The cost of these is now estimated at £26 million - up from £23m. Although we are looking at large national funding it is more likely that we will chip away at this through local bids put in by our partner authorities.
See below for days we have organised work sessions with Good Gym in 2018
Give it a Go Day, 12th May
Note that this has been re-scheduled from 10th March due to bad weather.
. Planning doc
2018 Dates for your diary
30th April - Good Gym - Durham Ox
30th July - Good Gym - Manor Way Access Point.
TPT Central Group Meetings:-
These are organised by the TPT Office in Barnsley to keep partners (including volunteers) up to date with developments
Thu 19 Apr 2018
Thu 6 Sep 2018
*Guys is a non-sexist term.
Signs stocktake
Other Sustrans Workdays 2018 (All provisional and tasks or rides have not been set for all of these yet)
Sat 14 Apr 2018
10:00 – 14:00
Sustrans Workday - NCN6, Lynwood Gardens
Sat 12 May 2018
10:00 – 14:00
Give it a Go Day
Sat 9 Jun 2018
10:00 – 14:00
Peace in the Park - stall
Sat 14 Jul 2018
10:00 – 14:00
Sustrans Workday - Beeley Woods
Sat 11 Aug 2018
10:00 – 14:00
Sustrans Workday - Sheffield - Chesterfield Ride.
Sat 8 Sep 2018
10:00 – 14:00
Sustrans Workday
Sat 13 Oct 2018
10:00 – 14:00
Sustrans Workday
Sat 10 Nov 2018
10:00 – 14:00
Sustrans Workday
Sat 8 Dec 2018
10:00 – 14:00
Sustrans Workday
Wednesday Evening Sessions (BST)
Wed 18 Apr 2018
18:00 – 21:30
Sustrans /Ride Evening - Hutcliffe Woods and the route to the South.
Wed 16 May 2018
18:00 – 21:30
Sustrans Work/Ride Evening
Wed 20 Jun 2018
18:00 – 21:30
Sustrans Work/Ride Evening
Wed 18 Jul 2018
18:00 – 21:30
Sustrans Work/Ride Evening
Wed 15 Aug 2018
18:00 – 21:30
Sustrans Work/Ride Evening
Wed 19 Sep 2018
18:00 – 21:30
Sustrans Work/Ride Evening
*Cycle Silhouettes by kind permission of Cycle Bath.
Rupert & Abigail have responded to the 2018 Draft Plan which is here and I’m in the process of making some amendments on that basis.
News from up the Porter Valley
Kevin has fallen off a climbing wall and sprained his ankle so will be out of action for a while. We wish him well for a full recovery.
Opening of Matlock - Rowsley path
This path has been in development for some time. It will be part of the Matlock - Buxton route when that’s complete. There are signs of progress at the Buxton end - if anyone gets up there could they report back?
Claire O'Reilly has informed us of the formal Opening Day of the multi-user path between Matlock and Rowsley. This will be on Tuesday 27 March at 13:00, by the Arc railway crossing, with refreshments at Arc Leisure centre afterwards. Please feel free to pass this on.
TPT Meetings
I’ve been to the Friends Board meeting, which I chair, and the Exec meeting consisting mostly of Local Authority officers.
At the Board meeting we had Rob Meetham from the Peak Park along to talk about the Legacy Project (Disability Access improvements in Longdendale) After a slow start this project has now well under way and we hope to see a few more disabled people using the trail as a result.
We had the usual litany of threats to the Trail:
Rimrose Valley (Merseyside) The Port of Liverpool wants to drive an access road for HGV’s through this very pleasant country park which is also the link between the Trail and the Anthony Gormley “Another Space” Art installation at Formby.
Warrington. Development proposals here would splatter all over the Trail and surrounding countryside. There is a strong local opposition group and we are supporting them.
Tameside. A development strategy here with no mention of sustainable transport has taken everyone by surprise, including local authority officers.
Trans-Pennine Tunnel. This seems to have gone onto the back burner for now but there are proposals to revive the Longdendale and Mottram bypass and widen abd improve the A621 over Woodhead. These represent a threat and an opportunity - we could get a better quality trail through the area but at what cost - a motorway by stealth through the Peak District? Our colleagues at the Peak Park and the Friends of the Peak are not happy.
We’re objecting to all these.
HS2. The TPT Office had a meeting with them - it looks as though there will be a fund for environmental improvements that the TPT could draw on Still a fair way in the future though.
We’ve been doing some work on fundraising and have now gathered together all the improvement work that needs to be done on the Trail in a single document for the first time. The cost of these is now estimated at £26 million - up from £23m. Although we are looking at large national funding it is more likely that we will chip away at this through local bids put in by our partner authorities.
See below for days we have organised work sessions with Good Gym in 2018
Give it a Go Day, 12th May
Note that this has been re-scheduled from 10th March due to bad weather.
. Planning doc
2018 Dates for your diary
30th April - Good Gym - Durham Ox
30th July - Good Gym - Manor Way Access Point.
TPT Central Group Meetings:-
These are organised by the TPT Office in Barnsley to keep partners (including volunteers) up to date with developments
Thu 19 Apr 2018
Thu 6 Sep 2018
*Guys is a non-sexist term.
Signs stocktake
Other Sustrans Workdays 2018 (All provisional and tasks or rides have not been set for all of these yet)
Sat 14 Apr 2018
10:00 – 14:00
Sustrans Workday - NCN6, Lynwood Gardens
Sat 12 May 2018
10:00 – 14:00
Give it a Go Day
Sat 9 Jun 2018
10:00 – 14:00
Peace in the Park - stall
Sat 14 Jul 2018
10:00 – 14:00
Sustrans Workday - Beeley Woods
Sat 11 Aug 2018
10:00 – 14:00
Sustrans Workday - Sheffield - Chesterfield Ride.
Sat 8 Sep 2018
10:00 – 14:00
Sustrans Workday
Sat 13 Oct 2018
10:00 – 14:00
Sustrans Workday
Sat 10 Nov 2018
10:00 – 14:00
Sustrans Workday
Sat 8 Dec 2018
10:00 – 14:00
Sustrans Workday
Wednesday Evening Sessions (BST)
Wed 18 Apr 2018
18:00 – 21:30
Sustrans /Ride Evening - Hutcliffe Woods and the route to the South.
Wed 16 May 2018
18:00 – 21:30
Sustrans Work/Ride Evening
Wed 20 Jun 2018
18:00 – 21:30
Sustrans Work/Ride Evening
Wed 18 Jul 2018
18:00 – 21:30
Sustrans Work/Ride Evening
Wed 15 Aug 2018
18:00 – 21:30
Sustrans Work/Ride Evening
Wed 19 Sep 2018
18:00 – 21:30
Sustrans Work/Ride Evening
*Cycle Silhouettes by kind permission of Cycle Bath.
Tuesday, 2 January 2018
Sheffield Ranger News December 22nd
Good Gym available slots in January
Good Gym say - We have some available slots in January for GoodGym to run to your organisation and help!
These are as follows:
- Monday 22nd Jan -
- Usual group run - we leave Showroom Cinema at 6.45pm to run to you
- Monday 29th Jan -
- Usual group run - we leave Showroom Cinema at 6.45pm to run to you
- Weekend slot on any of the weekends apart from the first weekend in Jan -
- Whatever fits with you!
If any of the above would work for your organisation please get in touch with details of the task you have in mind and we can get it booked in to come and help you. First come, first served.
Those of you who we are working with regularly on a monthly basis, first of all thank you for your continued support to allow us to help you and please could I request you keep in your diaries the regular sessions we have been doing with you (e.g. first Mon of each Month).
See below for days we have organised work sessions with Good Gym in 2018
Give it a go day
Our suggestion for a Give it a Go Day has been accepted and Luke from SUSU will be in touch in the New Year.
I’ve asked the TPT for assistance in putting together a funding bid for tools and they will get onto it in the New Year.
2018 Dates for your diary
13th Jan Annual Plan Review - Meerbrook HPVC. 11-1. Tea & coffee, wood-burning stove, biscuits.
6th Feb Volunteering Day at the Octagon, University of Sheffield - Volunteers to run the stall are needed please!
15th March - Presentation on the TPT for CTC Sheffield @ the Fat Cat. 7 p.m.
30th April - Good Gym - Durham Ox
30th July - Good Gym - Manor Way Access Point.
TPT Central Group Meetings:-
These that are organised by the TPT Office in Barnsley to keep partners (including volunteers) up to date with developments
Thu 19 Apr 2018
Thu 6 Sep 2018
Thu 6 Sep 2018
*Guys is a non-sexist term.
Other Sustrans Workdays 2018 (All provisional and no tasks or rides have been set for any of these yet)
Sat 10 Feb 2018
10:00 – 14:00
Sustrans Workday
Sat 10 Mar 2018
10:00 – 14:00
Sustrans Workday
Sat 14 Apr 2018
10:00 – 14:00
Sustrans Workday
Sat 12 May 2018
10:00 – 14:00
Sustrans Workday
Sat 9 Jun 2018
10:00 – 14:00
Sustrans Workday
Sat 14 Jul 2018
10:00 – 14:00
Sustrans Workday
Sat 11 Aug 2018
10:00 – 14:00
Sustrans Workday
Sat 8 Sep 2018
10:00 – 14:00
Sustrans Workday
Sat 13 Oct 2018
10:00 – 14:00
Sustrans Workday
Sat 10 Nov 2018
10:00 – 14:00
Sustrans Workday
Sat 8 Dec 2018
10:00 – 14:00
Sustrans Workday
Wednesday Evening Sessions (BST)
Wed 18 Apr 2018
18:00 – 21:30
Sustrans Work/Ride Evening
Wed 16 May 2018
18:00 – 21:30
Sustrans Work/Ride Evening
Wed 20 Jun 2018
18:00 – 21:30
Sustrans Work/Ride Evening
Wed 18 Jul 2018
18:00 – 21:30
Sustrans Work/Ride Evening
Wed 15 Aug 2018
18:00 – 21:30
Sustrans Work/Ride Evening
Wed 19 Sep 2018
18:00 – 21:30
Sustrans Work/Ride Evening
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