John says:-
I popped out this morning and replaced the sign on the post we noted yesterday. I’m not sure my efforts will last long! I gave the post a good wipe but I didn’t think the sign felt very secure. Some idiot will no doubt find it easy to peel off.
On the way I noticed that a metal sign in Sussex Street, just after the Cobweb bridge, was pointing in slightly the wrong way. I straightened it but it was rather loose. It needs tightening with a spanner. I’m happy to pop back with a spanner if necessary.
On my way back, as I emerged slowly from the underpass near Decathlon, having rung my bell, a runner with headphones on ran straight into me at full speed. He fell sprawling on the floor. I didn’t actually fall off but he knocked my front light flying. He was very apologetic.
I will try and record my time, if I can remember how!
Polly and Tony say:-
Polly and I did our route inspection yesterday morning (we hope other rangers had fun on the 5WW).
Our report :
No significant fly tipping.
There were lots of blown-down twigs/branches on the path through the woods so we'll clear them up when we next do an inspection ride over the weekend 11/12 Feb.
We met 2 trail bikers coming out of the woods just as we were going in. When asked they said they were leaving because they'd just been told they weren't allowed there. The bikes had no license plates and they rode off along Claywheels Lane.
We'll let people know more precise timing for our next inspection so that others can join us if they want to.
Take care, Tony & Polly
Our report :
No significant fly tipping.
There were lots of blown-down twigs/branches on the path through the woods so we'll clear them up when we next do an inspection ride over the weekend 11/12 Feb.
We met 2 trail bikers coming out of the woods just as we were going in. When asked they said they were leaving because they'd just been told they weren't allowed there. The bikes had no license plates and they rode off along Claywheels Lane.
We'll let people know more precise timing for our next inspection so that others can join us if they want to.
Take care, Tony & Polly