First things first - if you use the Trans-Pennine Trail and appreciate the facilities it provides please please consider joining the Friends if you haven't already done so. It's only £6/£4 unwaged, they produce an excellent newsletter and they have been instrumental in transforming what was mostly a muddy trail when it was first instigated into a long-distance route with many sections of high-quality cycleway - in our area I would include the Chapeltown Greenway and City to Rother Valley sections in that. They are using their funds supporting promotional activities for the trail that would not otherwise take place.
There is no particular call on your time if you join the Friends.
and you can donate online at
Done that? - OK, Report from the AGM.
I attended the Friends AGM which was at Wigfield Farm, Worsborough.
Mandy Loach, TPT Officer, gave us a report on progress with the trail.
With Government cuts there are still funding threats
TPT has a new website.
A review of access controls is to take place-hooray!
Lots of good promotional events are taking place with support from the Friends.
Volunteer time is being recorded.
Sheffield has recorded 289 hours this year = £3691 monetary equivalent.
A review of access controls is to take place-hooray!
Lots of good promotional events are taking place with support from the Friends.
Volunteer time is being recorded.
Sheffield has recorded 289 hours this year = £3691 monetary equivalent.
This is probably under-reported.
There are issues with horse riders using paved sections even when a grassed horse-riding section has been put in alongside, and cyclists using the trail for time-trialling on Strava are a concern.
Future developments:
Snaith to Goole direct route avoiding Selby (bridleway)
Leeds flood alleviation scheme will obliterate current alignment. An opportunity to re-build this section which is poor quality.
National Grid are doing a repair job (Woodhead) - good quality diversions are in place. United Utilities are not so co-operative.
Newsletter - send news items in please!
HS2 Consultation - Response needed for end Jan. Chesterfield to Rother Valley section will be obliterated. Plus Blackburn Valley. Mandy will keep us updated.
Alternative route has to provide the same green visitor quality experience.
Woodhead tunnels are to be sealed. 1 tunnel is for sale for £1 but insurance & maintenance costs are huge.
A new Dunford Bridge-Langsett-Oughtibridge route is under development.
The Tour de France is potential promotional opportunity.
Cortonwood shopping centre is to be expanded - a new route is to be put in place, but the existing route (Elsecar Greenway) will remain.
The trail originally cost £50m to put in place, and work on an assessment of Return on Investment is on-going.

Formal AGM:
Membership is down but financial situation is good - about 12.5k
A TPT banner is available for use.
Future developments:
Snaith to Goole direct route avoiding Selby (bridleway)
Leeds flood alleviation scheme will obliterate current alignment. An opportunity to re-build this section which is poor quality.
National Grid are doing a repair job (Woodhead) - good quality diversions are in place. United Utilities are not so co-operative.
Newsletter - send news items in please!
HS2 Consultation - Response needed for end Jan. Chesterfield to Rother Valley section will be obliterated. Plus Blackburn Valley. Mandy will keep us updated.
Alternative route has to provide the same green visitor quality experience.
Woodhead tunnels are to be sealed. 1 tunnel is for sale for £1 but insurance & maintenance costs are huge.
A new Dunford Bridge-Langsett-Oughtibridge route is under development.
The Tour de France is potential promotional opportunity.
Cortonwood shopping centre is to be expanded - a new route is to be put in place, but the existing route (Elsecar Greenway) will remain.
The trail originally cost £50m to put in place, and work on an assessment of Return on Investment is on-going.

Formal AGM:
Membership is down but financial situation is good - about 12.5k
A TPT banner is available for use.
Existing committee members were re-elected unopposed. The Secretary will step down at the end of the next year.