Our Woodland fun and work day was not the
community event we had hoped. Despite this the day was a partial success. We
managed to put in some drainage pipe and the friends and family that came along
really enjoyed the woodland activities that we had planned. We did have 8 adults and 5 children
turn up.
The event was planned to be a trail
maintenance and community day, with local families joining us in support of the
local trail. We had advertised widely with posters, leaflets, emails to groups
and advertisements in event pages.
The event did manage to:
Install drainage pipe in an area that's often waterlogged
- Put on a great treasure hunt
- Have kids making fire with flints and birch wood
- Have the kids making bread on a campfire
There were many other activities that were
not used. It felt like we’d planned for a great community day and we are still
to organize an event and showcase what we have to offer.
Many thanks to Jay and Tom, two mountain
bikers from High Green who helped us for a hour or so (digging trench in picture two up). With their skilled
trench digging, together we managed to break the back of the work and allowed
us to install a large drainage pipe. This will prevent the who picnic area becoming
boggy and the path flooding and becoming muddy when the weather’s wet.
A great event and when people eventually
turn up next time it will be a huge success.